Real Sector Statistics
Improving quarterly GDP (QGDP) compilation and benchmarking techniques
During 28 July - 8 Aug, METAC assisted the Egyptian Ministry of Planning, Economic Development and International Cooperation (MPEDIC) with improving quarterly GDP (QGDP) compilation and benchmarking techniques and provided training on the quarterly national accounts methodology to enhance staff capacities.
Compiling the 2019/20 Supply and Use Tables
During August 25-29, a mission assisted the Egyptian Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) in compiling the 2019/20 Supply and Use Tables (SUT). Key outcomes were: i) the completion of manual balancing of all products; ii) developing control aggregate tables for all industries; and iii) setup of the IMF’s automated balancing tool to ensure full SUT balancing. CAPMAS plans to publish the SUT in October 2024.
Improving quarterly GDP estimates and using administrative source data in National Accounts compilation
In response to a request from the Department of Statistics of Jordan, a METAC mission assisted the national accounts staff on improving the quarterly GDP estimates and in using administrative source data in national accounts compilation during 20-31 October. In addition, the mission provided guidance on the backcasting methods for the implementation of International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC) Rev 4 in the quarterly GDP estimates, series 2008-2024.
Compilation of GDP Estimates for Financial Corporations
At the request of Central Administration for Statistics of Lebanon, METAC assisted the national accounts team during 22-26 July with reviewing the source data and improving the compilation of GDP estimates for financial corporations, to ensure that international best practices are applied.
Compiling Quarterly Estimates of GDP by the Expenditure Approach
During 15-19 July, a mission assisted the Tunisian National Institute of Statistics (L'Institut National de la Statistique: INS) with the development of the methodology for compiling quarterly estimates of GDP by the expenditure approach.
West Bank and Gaza
Improving quarterly GDP compilation
A remote technical assistance mission during 6-17 October worked with the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics on further improving quarterly GDP compilation and benchmarking techniques. In addition, training on the quarterly national accounts methodology was provided to enhance staff capacities. The mission also followed up on previous missions’ recommendations and plans for compiling a new supply and use table.