Public Financial Management


Analysis of Fiscal Risks related to State-owned Enterprises

During 12-16 May, a mission team worked with the Public Accounting Department at the Ministry of Budget (MoB) and held meetings with other stakeholders to analyze the current fiscal risk management systems linked to State-owned Enterprises (SOEs). The mission trained the DCP teams on the use of the SOE-"Health Check Tool”, developed by the IMF Fiscal Affairs Department. Fiscal risks were analyzed for two public enterprises, and recommendations were proposed for improving fiscal risk monitoring and management. Finally, MoB staff applied the "Health Check Tool” to a third SOE and analyzed the results with the mission team.


Implementing the Treasury Single Account (TSA)

The third workshop to advance the implementation of the TSA in Iraq was organized by FAD/METAC, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance of Iraq, during the period July 24-27 in Amman (Jordan). Building on the outcome of the second workshop in March 2024, the event gathered 13 core members from the “TSA Implementation Committee”, formed by key stakeholders including the Ministry of Finance (MoF), Central Bank of Iraq (CBI), and four State-owned banks (SOBs). The mission discussed the progress made in the implementation of the TSA roadmap and the key challenges encountered over the past few months. Participants actively engaged in discussions and agreed actions to be implemented until October 2024, including advancing the TSA design and concept note, developing a database for TSA bank accounts, and designing portals for data collection as an interim step while the roll out of the core banking system in the largest two SOBs is completed.


Restore Core PFM Functions

During June 23-27, a joint FAD/METAC team met with officials from the Libyan Government of National Unity (GNU) Ministry of Finance in Tunis, Tunisia. The activity focused on strengthening budget preparation processes amid ongoing political instability and fragmentation. Key recommendations included formalizing the budget timetable, developing a Fiscal Strategy Paper, and enhancing budget transparency through the publication of key budget documents that are already being produced. The mission also highlighted the role of the medium-term fiscal framework in guiding budget discussions and improving fiscal planning. Despite the challenges faced in Libya, officials were confident they would be able to implement achievable and practical improvements in the budget preparation processes.

Off-site mission in Tunis to strengthen strategic budget preparation

METAC facilitated a one-week workshop in during 6-10 October to support the Libyan Ministry of Finance in strengthening its macro-fiscal unit’s role and capacity in strategic budget preparation. The workshop fostered cross-departmental collaboration, welcoming participants from various MoF units, who gained insights into medium-term fiscal frameworks (MTFF) and macro-fiscal planning. Sessions covered Libya’s current budget process, underscored the MTFF’s importance in supporting fiscal discipline, and emphasized aligning budget preparation with the MTFF. Participants expressed a strong interest in empowering the Macroeconomic Unit to play a central role in setting expenditure ceilings and producing macroeconomic parameters. The event concluded with a review of recommendations and next steps to bolster Libya’s budget preparation and macro-fiscal capacity.